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What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?

There is no clear divide between these, however some generally agreed distinctions can be attempted: Counselling is generally once a week, lasts between 6-12 weeks, and geared towards a single problem. Psychotherapy is once or twice a week, the work is more in-depth, may involve multiple problems, and can last for months or years. 


What type of therapist are you?

I am a trained psychodynamic therapist. Like other psychoanalytic clinicians, the aim is to unravel, experience and understand deep feelings or memories which may be difficult to bear. It calls into light how we cope with the difficulties we face, and if those mechanisms, such as avoidance, projection or dissociation, may help or hinder. 


How much does it cost?

My fee is £70 for a fifty minute session, and is representative of my experience across education, healthcare and research. I offer a concession fee to those on low income, students and young people under 25. I also offer supervision.


How do I make an appointment?

Please enter your information on my Contact page. I will try to respond to you as soon as possible.


Is what we talk about confidential?

Yes. What we discuss is treated as highly confidential. I follow the ethical guidelines of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) which have a focus on respect and safeguarding of client material. It may be necessary to liaise with your doctor at times of high risk, however this will be with your permission first.


Can my child see you for therapy?

There's quite a lot in this question to think about. Are they likely to be curious about therapy and engage with it? Having worked in a school in the past, I am happy to see ages 16+ and would encourage a concerned parent to get in touch.



Supportive national organisations: 


Have you spoken to your GP? Would it better to call 111, or 999 if it's an emergency?


© 2018 by Emile Perkins

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