Oxford Psychodynamics Ltd
Emile Perkins
MUKCP MSt (Oxon), Dip Psyc, Cert Psyc
Psychodynamic Therapist and Supervisor
Counselling & Psychotherapy
Seeking therapy can be a confusing process; one complicated by the fact that many come during a time of crisis. I provide a supportive, confidential space where we can think openly, free of judgement, about different aspects of you and your life. I offer psychodynamic therapy, both once and twice a week, at a private clinic in Headington, Oxford.
I have worked across a wide range of clinical settings: private healthcare, NHS, university, school and forensic. I have experience in primary residential settings, outpatients, secondary and tertiary education, working with families, groups and organisations, running health services and conducting psychological assessments within high risk environments. The focus of my work is working age adults, however I will accept ages 16+.
Originally, I trained at the University of Oxford in psychodynamic practice over a period of four years, and have ongoing research interests in lifespan development, personality problems, long forms of depression and anxiety, and sex and sexuality. I hold membership with the UK Council for Psychotherapy, the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), and the Universities Psychotherapy and Counselling Association. Alongside general practice, I hold specialist clinics at specific times for matters around academic life and for performing arts. I founded my company Oxford Psychodynamics to best facilitate this.
Common Issues
Performance: Academic, Sports, The Arts, Work
Self-esteem and Identity
Sex and Sexuality
Creative Block/Feeling Stuck
Social Isolation
Illness and Health Complications
Personality Disorders